TimeLine 1864 to 1865

Lincoln Chronology

A Wounded Civil War Veteran


March 3 - Promoted Grant to the rank of lieutenant general and put him in charge of all the armies.

June 7 - Lincoln was renominated as the Republican candidate for President, at a national convention held in Baltimore.

November 8 - Lincoln was re-elected, defeating Democratic challenger General B McClennan


February 1 - a peace conference was held at Hampton Roads, Virginia between President Lincoln and commissioners of the Confederacy,including its Vice President but it failed to achieve an end to the war. Lincoln demanded the disbandment of the Confederacy and its armies and recognition that the slaves were free. He was prepared to offer the Confederates compensation for the freedom of the slaves as well as leniency towards the rebels. The Confederates demanded independence for the Southern states. The conference broke up unsuccessfully after only 4 hours and therefore the war continued to a final military solution.

March 4 - Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated president a second time.

April 4 - President Lincoln visited Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, after it fell to Union forces.

April 14 - Lincoln was shot while attending a play at Ford's Theatre at 10:20 PM

April 15 - President Lincoln died at 7:22 AM and his vice president Andrew Johnson became President.

May 4 - President Lincoln was buried in Springfield, Illinois.